Heeia Kea Harbor


Terrific aerial photograph of Heeia Kea Harbor.  Photographer unknown.  If you took this photo, email WebSailor.  (Click on photo to see larger image.)


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Click to visit DOBOR's Heeia Kea Homepage

Harbor Agent:  Earl Omoto

46-499 Kamehameha Hwy.
Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744
Ph: (808) 233-3603 Fax: (808) 233-3062
E-mail: bobohk@aloha.com

O'ahu District Supervisor:  Ed Underwood (acting)

Division of Boating & Ocean Recreation
333 Queen Street, Room 300
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
Phone 808-587-1973   FAX 808-587-1977
Email: Ed.R.Underwood@hawaii.gov 

State Senator:  Melodie Aduja

23rd Senatorial District
Hawaii State Capitol, Room 231
415 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
phone 808-586-7330     FAX 808-586-7334
e-mail:  senaduja@Capitol.hawaii.gov

Rounded Rectangular Callout: Help.  If you have a boat in this harbor or use the facilities, then I need your help.  Send a list of problems and photos to WebSailor.
Click on How Can I Help for more information.  Mahalo.

State Representative:  Ken Ito

48th Representative District
Hawaii State Capitol, Room 420
415 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
phone 808-586-8470     Fax 808-586-8474
e-mail:  repito@Capitol.hawaii.gov

Heeia Kea Harbor Activist: ---open ---  email  WebSailor with suggestions


Please send corrections, comments, additions to WebSailor.

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Unless otherwise indicated, all images are the property of Hawaii Boaters Org.
Last modified: 05/12/04

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