Ala Wai Harbor
(Click on image to see larger version.)
Ray Pendleton, Star-Bulletin Water Ways columnist,
calls this a "Trash-berg". He snapped this photo from the Waikiki Yacht Club.
Steered by tides, rains, and winds, the trash-bergs drift about the marina unhindered by human intervention. |
Aerial of WYC Trash-berg
Photo by Ray Pendleton after a winter rain. The trash originates upstream in the
Ala Wai Canal watershed.
Trash-bergs "... made up of cut
logs, limbs and branches, and a wide variety of wood, plastic, rubber and foam
containers." writes Ray in his column
Trash-berg solutions are needed
Welcome to Waikiki
As you walk across the bridge into Waikiki, you're greeted with this debris trap. The trap snags a tiny portion of the
debris that floats down the Ala Wai Canal and into the Ala Wai Harbor. |
Mooring in soup
Only boat owners and the Sierra Club clean the harbor. The state bought a machine for the job, but it was too big. |
Ala Wai "F" dock looking away from the harbor office.
DOBOR removed the slips, actually some floated away. As of Mar 2004, there is no contract nor RFP to replace the docks. |
"F" dock as seen from the X-dock that accesses "B", "C", & "D" docks.
The boaters of "F" dock were moved to the designated transient slips on the 800 Row. Now, there is no room for transients. Welcome cruisers! |
Danger banner on a condemned 700 Dock pier.
The condemned piers of 700 dock looking towards the fuel dock.
700 dock looking towards Diamond Head.
This is one of "safe" piers on 700 dock.
Look closely and you'll see the crumbling cap on the piling and re-bar drooping from the pier
to the water. |
B, C, & D docks are deteriorating as well.
This "D" finger has been abandoned. |
Scary. This sign warns boaters before entering the brand new (2002) "G" Dock.
The problem of static electricity on the dock has not been solved. Watch those sparks. |
Great Liveaboard - 25 footer!
Part of the problem is that many who are "nested" in the Ala Wai with cheap rent and a waterfront Waikiki "condo" fight every attempt to correct the problem. I'm a long-time liveaboard myself, not at Ala Wai, and have nothing against liveaboards. But if the only purpose of the boat is as a
cheap place to live, then... |
Dock Maintenance:
- 'F' Dock Razed, 37 other slips closed.
- Transient slips - closed to transients
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Harbor Agent: Meghan Statts
1651 Ala Moana Blvd.
Honolulu, Hawaii 96815
Ph: (808) 973-9727 Fax: (808) 973-9739
O'ahu District Supervisor: Edward Underwood (Acting)
Division of Boating & Ocean Recreation
333 Queen Street, Room 300
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
Phone 808-587-1973 FAX 808-587-1977
12th Senatorial District
Hawaii State Capitol, Room 203
415 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
phone 808-586-7100 FAX 808-586-7109
State Representative:
23rd Representative District
Hawaii State Capitol, Room 318
415 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
phone 808-586-8520 Fax 808-586-8524
Ala Wai Harbor Activist: ---open --- email
with suggestions
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