DLNR Annual Report to Legislature

The following is extracted from DLNR's Report to the State Legislature 2004 session.  Only the header section and the section applicable to DOBOR follows.  The full report may be read at http://www.hawaii.gov/dlnr/reports/CP04-AnnualReportforAct100.pdf.

In the report DLNR/DOBOR claims that in State boating facilities compared to prior year, DLNR/DOBOR: (quotes highlighted in text)

  • "increased number of berths/moorings available"
  • "reduced vacancies"
  • "reduced number of applications on file"

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Prepared by

Department of Land and Natural Resources

State of Hawaii

in response to Act 100 (SECTIONS 6 and 7), Session Laws of Hawaii 1999

December 2003

This annual report has been prepared in compliance with SECTIONS 6 and 7 of Act 100,

Session Laws of Hawaii 1999. The purpose of this Act is to require all departments and agencies to identify their goals, objectives, and policies, to provide a basis for determining priorities and allocating limited public funds and human resources. Specifically, the Act calls for the submission of an annual report to the Legislature twenty days prior to the start of the Regular Session of 2000 and each Regular Session thereafter addressing the following:

(1) A statement of goals, including what the department or agency hopes to accomplish both short and long term;

(2) Objectives and policies, specifically setting forth how each goal can and will be accomplished;

(3) An action plan with a timetable indicating how the established objectives and policies will be implemented in one, two, and five years; and

(4) The process that the department or agency will use to measure the performance of its programs and services in meeting the stated goals, objectives, and policies.

This annual report addresses the reporting requirements of the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR).


The approach taken by the Department in responding to the requirements of Act 100, SLH 1999, was to have the goals and objectives against which performance is to be measured over the next one (1), two (2), and five (5) years, established at the Division and/or Program level. This will produce a more effective tool for measuring performance and assist in helping set departmental priorities.

DOBOR's Report

Department of Land and Natural Resources

Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation

Annual Report for Act 100, SLH 1999


To enrich the lives of people of all ages, both residents and visitors alike, by providing opportunities and facilities for developing skills and participating in both organized and non-organized ocean-based activities such as boating of all types, salt water fishing, surfing, sailboarding, diving, ocean swimming, and other related activities.  To perfect an organization to perform core functions of the program as established by laws, regulations and policy; and to be ever mindful of guidance provided in Section 1, Act 313, SLH, 1990, as it relates to commercial and non-commercial recreational opportunities of our State’s waters, and expectations related to the public trust responsibilities.

To develop sound management policies and a regulatory framework based on the best available information and with input from the general public.


The time frames to accomplish the following objectives reported to the Twenty-Second Legislature, Regular Session of 2003, are updated as follows:


Provide a sound financial plan based on predictable projected revenues to accomplish the program mission.

Objectives and Timeframe

A.1 Refine Financial Strategic Plan (Business Plan) to meet financial goals over the next 5, 10 and 20 years. (on-going)

A.2 Further improve fiscal integrity of the Boating Program through training, technology application, audits and sound financial management. (on-going)

A.3 Analyze and refine financial data to determine the apportionment of fees and services for commercial and recreational user groups. (on-going)

A.4 Gain approval and establish appropriate user fees to reflect needs and the value of services provided. (1 year)

A.5 Maximize use of Federal fund support available from Aquatic Resources Trust Fund (both the Boat Safety Account and the Sportfish Restoration Account), the Clean Vessel Act, the Clean Water Act, programs of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and other applicable Federal grants that may become available. (ongoing)

A.6 Pursue additional grant and non-traditional grant sources. (on-going)


Increase electronic communication capability within DOBOR.

Objectives and Timeframe

B.1 Expand computer network applications between Department and all DOBOR offices, including Internet access. (1 year)

B.2 Train DOBOR personnel in use of e-mail for communication between DOBOR offices and other agencies, and use of Internet services for reference material and other information. (on-going)


Decrease the number of legal actions brought against the Division.

Objectives and Timeframe

C.1 Gain an appropriate level of enforcement support by increasing DOCARE capability. (3 years)

C.2 Enter into a contract for mediation services to resolve disputes. (as needed on case by case basis)

C.3 Increase full-time and temporary contracted legal support to meet the needs of the Division. (2 years)

C.4 Update/clarify existing rules. (on-going)

C.5 Provide staff training to provide improved customer service and reduce user conflict. (On-going)

III. Boating Facility Development and Management


Provide minimum standards for infrastructure services for boating facilities under State jurisdiction, according to level of use.

Objectives and Timeframe

D.1 Review and revise present boating facility classification criteria as necessary to justify needed improvements statewide. (on-going)

D.2 After surveying boating facilities for compliance with requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), develop local implementation plans and participate in local ADA informational meetings for DLNR facilities. (on-going)

D.3 Survey boating facilities for compliance with applicable Best Management Practices (BMPs) for marinas and recreational boating as recommended in the Draft Implementation Plan for Polluted Runoff Control. (1year)

D.4 Review requirements and develop plans for non-profit source pollution compliance. (1 year)


Provide necessary funding to bring boating facilities up to established minimum standards.

Objectives and Timeframe

E.1 Establish criteria for prioritizing needed compliance actions. (on-going)

E.2 Identify appropriate funding source for each required project or activity and link to fiscal projections of revenues and expenditures. (on-going)

E.3 Develop planned implementation schedule for each required project or activity according to appropriate level of action, i.e., routine maintenance, special maintenance, or capital improvement. (biennium/supplemental budget; on-going)

E.4 Request Legislative appropriations through the budgetary process for identified Capital Improvement Projects by appropriate method of financing. (on-going)

E.5 Supplement Boating Special Fund with new revenue sources from adjoining State lands. (2 years)


Maximize efficient utilization of State boating facilities.

Objectives and Timeframe

F.1 Commercialize where advantageous to the public. (2 years)

F.2 Establish priorities for leasing under-utilized areas of boating facilities for development and management by private entities. (1 year)

F.3 Expand facilities to encompass all waters of the State for purposes of management, commercial small business opportunity and issuance of commercial use permits. (3 years)


Develop strategic planning capability within DOBOR to determine future needs for boating regulatory and facility improvements and development.

Objectives and Timeframe

G.1 Determine availability of strategic planning services through inter-agency cooperative agreements or consultant contract. (on-going year)

G.2 Support hiring additional DLNR or DOBOR staff, as appropriate, through the budgetary process to provide strategic planning capability for the Boating Program. (1 year)

G.3 Produce 2025 statewide small boat harbor master plan. (5 years)

G.4 Develop and implement a regulatory function strategic plan in concert with DOCARE, AG’s Office and other regulatory stakeholders. (3 years)

IV. Ocean Recreation Activities


Provide equal opportunities for access, use and enjoyment of the waters of the State while minimizing user conflicts.

Objectives and Timeframe

H.1 Review and revise Hawaii Administrative Rules governing activities on the waters of the State for ease of access, clarity and user friendly application by the general public. (2 years)

H.2 Invite public discussion of potential controversial uses through establishment of advisory groups selected from residents of the local area. (on-going)

H.3 Utilize alternative dispute resolution techniques in the development of alternatives to resolve perceived user conflicts. (as needed on case by case basis)


Develop public support and awareness of Division programs and capabilities.

Objectives and Timeframe

I.1 Utilize acquired multi-media presentations for briefing members of the Legislature, community groups, user groups and other interested parties. (on-going)

I.2 Update interactive Web Page on the Internet for access by interested parties. (ongoing)

I.3 Promote and improve boating education and safety courses through boating organizations, home study programs and Internet. (on-going)

I.4 Develop plan to actively market what we do for users, the State, the environment while conveying a vision of what ought to be. (on-going)

I.5 Establish partnerships with national and local boating organizations to utilize existing resources and unify efforts in public education campaigns. (on-going)

Measures of Effectiveness

Policy A:

Number of projects funded.

Number of personnel trained.

Number of audits.

Numbers of personal contacts and presentations made.

Total funding obtained from all sources.

Expenditures providing services/benefits to different user groups by identified through cost centers.

Number of permits/leases in effect compared to previous year.

Number of grants received.

Policy B:

Complete computer networking functions between all DOBOR Districts and the Department.

Number of personnel trained.

Policy C:

Increased number of DOCARE officers assigned to DOBOR functions.

Obtain approval to increase number of legal staff assigned to the Division.

Decreased number of legal actions initiated against DLNR/DOBOR, increased number resolved in favor of the State, and decreased number pending resolution and number resulting in adverse decisions against the State.

Policy D:

Increased number of berths/moorings available in State boating facilities and reduced number of vacancies as compared to prior year.

Reduced number of applications on file for recreational and/or commercial berths as compared to prior year.

Increased number of facilities in compliance with ADA standards.

Establish Best Management Practices (BMP) for marinas and recreational boating as recommended in the Draft Implementation Plan for Polluted Runoff Control.

Policy E:

Number of CIP projects approved as percentage of those requested.

Numbers of advisory groups and scheduled meetings as compared to previous year.

Develop standards for facilities infrastructure.

Establishment of procedures for periodic maintenance of facilities.

Number of facilities built and maintained to standards.

Policy F:

Develop plan for privatization of selected facilities.

Number of small boat harbor leases executed.

Increase revenues needed to offset growing expenditures.

Policy G:

Establishment of strategic planning committee within DOBOR.

Policy H:

Establish and periodically meet with advisory groups to gain input.

Policy I:

Number of demands for publications and referrals for boating courses.

Total number of customers reached by media campaigns.

Number of personal contacts and presentations made.

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Last modified: 05/12/04

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